The Velvet Card
Five Stars -
“For such a stupid woman she sure wears sensible shoes.”
Lucinda Panties’ Super Funtimes Singalong Jamboree Part 2 was so entertaining. It’s set
somewhere in the crossroads between absurdism, stand up, physical comedy, and an
unapologetic good time. Not to mention the beautiful harmonies put together, and the
memorable mashups that were really quite impressive.
Keeping in mind that this is my second time ever seeing Lucinda on stage (I actually bought tickets as soon as I left the Red Velvet Revue), she began with what almost seems like a signature physical comedy bit. Moving so unnaturally, in an almost Monty Python way. It’s just an event to look at her existing. She instantly established a connection with the unusually receptive audience by playing with us. Cueing us to cheer in the oddest of ways, with very good jokes mixed in between.
We moved into the next portion of the show with some very full on audience participation that goes much farther than most performers would dare dive. The crowd was absolutely guffawing as Lucinda tried to magnetize the butts of three enthusiastic audience members to her own. Leading them onstage, our volunteering victims were both confused and crying with laughter as our host gave them various tiny instruments to be played with tiny glove hands! It was unbelievable! And then she played a lovely song on the ukulele as these three strangers tried to hold a beat with a miniature bongo, a triangle, and a tiny jug to blow into… with tiny wooden hands. It made no sense and was fantastic to watch. There’s just no way to do this act justice in writing, you’d have to have watched it.
As the audience members that were just on stage sat down, we segued into a lovely mashup of Bulletproof by La Roux, Break My Heart by Dua Lipa, and I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. I hope this, and all the other remixes by Lucinda and her friends, are one day recorded and uploaded because they were really quite enjoyable. I came here for exceptional comedy and was met with not only that, but also exceptional musical talent. Lucinda played keyboard as her backup singers Malaika Moon, CeCe Desist, Amanda Lynn (who has an incredible stage name) and Emma Christine played various other instruments while singing bright harmonies. I’d love to know who wrote these pieces.
Now a little detour – since this was largely the Lucinda Show with a couple of friends helping as backup I won’t give a full breakdown of each person’s performance. I’d just like to briefly mention that Amanda Lynn and Emma Christine did a great job. CeCe Desist had an impressive Lizzo solo and held a great energy the whole time, very charismatic. I’d also like to give a big shoutout to Malaika Moon. In the Red Velvet Revue she was a very strong dominatrix who lost energy, so I was very surprised to see her come onstage for this very energetic physical comedy show that is essentially the opposite of her prior snippet performance. She majorly surpassed every expectation. She has a grand voice to be sure, but her comedy was magnificent! There was a bit where she ‘didn’t know the words’ to a Fleetwood Mac verse, so she just flailed. The audience was very pleased. Additionally, it’s hard to forget when Lucinda said this was the last night of the show, so we all made sad noises. Of course, it wasn’t good enough for her so she got us all to scream and moan and wail. And then Malaika let out a blood-curling scream straight out of a horror film, which went on well after we had all lost breath. It was hilarious! Anyway, she deserves a bit of credit for that, we can go back to the show.
The technical elements of this show were very solid. The leopard print motif that kept everyone uniform but still individual was very appreciated. Lucinda had an assortment of very good props, and since she had no microphone a number of them were just microphone-shaped items to hold in her hand as she spoke. It just keeps getting more and more ridiculous. There was a TV screen with lyrics to each song so you could sing along, as the title of the show suggests. I’m not sure how many people noticed but each page was very well thought out. The blurb that normally says what key a song is in, how it is to be played, where to out the capo, etc. was filled with written jokes. Every aspect of this performance had love put into it, nothing was lazy, it was all done to its fullest extent. A special shoutout to our Fringe volunteer for not only doing a fantastic job on the sound and lights, but also for laughing along with us and getting involved in the baby segment!
And who could forget the baby segment? There was a scene where a late-comer barged in just as Lucinda was asking for audience members – it would almost be suspicious if the man wasn’t sweating and panting and rushing to his seat. We all giggled ominously as Lucinda brought him up to the stage, and then made him search for 12 tiny babies littered around the room. Many of which were attached to the walls. I don’t know if this is a Girl’s School thing or something that was made for the show but regardless it was brilliant. The man was very terrified and confused and pretty much experiencing every emotion except for calm. That statement about sums up this whole show, to be honest. The gags were fantastic, the way each prop made a point of being unreasonably small but made a massive impact, the more I think about it the more there is to say!
There are so many tangents I want to go on about each perfected detail but my thoughts are becoming jumbled with all the glee of each memory. I could write a whole paragraph about the kazoo gag, and I would, but this review is already too long. At this point I think it’s just better to cross our fingers that we get a third Jamboree next year and for you to get a ticket. I never saw the first edition of this but if it just keeps getting grander I don’t know what heights it’ll reach next year.
To summarise, Lucinda and her Jamboree was extravagant. The way that she made every single audience member feel involved, at home, truly part of the performance was something I haven’t seen before. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room – normally said for a dramatically emotional performance – but we all just laughed until we cried! Each aspect of the performance was thought out and perfected in execution. I cannot wait to see another Lucinda Panties production of this quality again.
The Velvet Card Critic

Four Stars -
Lucinda bursts into the opening weekend and the stage with precisely the
infectious energy you want and need for another glorious season of Fringe.
Like a seasoned conductor, she’ll navigate the crowd through the shaky
waters of COVID restrictions for entertaining interaction. Soon enough,
you’ll be singing along to familiar anthems and some more obscure but
well-arranged tunes.
Sylvia Sippl, a multi-talented local favourite and 2020 FRINGE WORLD
Award Winner, reveals she’s had more experience as a burlesque MC and invites the audience to let loose with its enthusiasm. Her alter-ego Lucinda Panties will keep you engrossed seamlessly hosting you through laughs, cheering on seemingly random antics, and karaoke-style group singalongs. The hour will be up all too soon. You’ll be treated to some classic tunes alongside some more quirky music that you can somehow still find familiar enough to lend your voice, kazoo, or noisemaker to. No matter how random it feels, Lucinda artfully lures you along and the fun continues to unfold.
You are encouraged to bring along an instrument and while this may seem like one of those magnanimous gestures a host rolls out but secretly hopes you don’t listen to, the more you put into this show, the more fun there is to be had. If you’re inclined to show up with an instrument and play along, the odds are high you and the rest of the audience won’t regret it. If you’re not keen to participate in the limelight, the hint is to avoid the front rows and the aisle seats.
Audience members aren’t the only ones who assist in making the music. Lucinda Panties is joined by an ensemble of musical talent and sirens in the form of Malaika Moon, Cece Desist, Amanda Lynn, and Emma Hyam. Each are a formidable talent and stage presence in their own right yet together, they form a rather bewitching troupe sprinkling the night with their own randomness. Together they’ll harmonise the awkward right out of the room and roll out the carpet for you to raucously sing and kazoo your way into another sassy FRINGEWORLD season.